Sell ›› Ferro-Nickel ingots - daily resource for buyers and suppliers in metals, minerals and mining web domains
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Articles Articles
Glossary - metals, minerals and mining Glossary
Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used in exporting and importing Abbreviations
Units conversions Units conversions
World time in 84 countries World time
Trader's guide - export & import Trader's guide
Currency converter Currency converter
Video materials Video materials
Periodic table Periodic table
Hotel reservations Hotel reservations
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16-17 February 2012

Scrap Metals Market conference
Meet over 350+ delegates

Our services

Web domains for rent and sale Web domains
Strategic consultancy Consultancy
Recruitment in metals, mining, foundry & casting Recruitment
Event management Event management
International marketing and promotion PR and Marketing
Export & import in Russia and CIS Export & import
European agent - a sales representative or a distributor European agent
Export & import in Russia and CIS Credit, IPO, tenders

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Metals, mining and materials directory Web domains

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Web domains

In a similar way to choosing a name for your business, having the right domain name can make a tremendous difference to the responce one gets from the market place. The growing use of the Internet and the millions of addresses available requires people to strategically choose their domain name.

Our Metals can help make a positive difference to the success of your business by providing a domain name from our list, which is relevant to your business, easy to remember, contains a key word, search engine optimized and already attracts traffic from target audience. We can:

  • rent a strategic domain from our list on exclusive basis;
  • sell a strategic domain from our list;
  • acquire a strategic domain for you according to your preference;
  • rent out an e-mail addresses from our list (POP3 as well as admin interface);
  • advertise your products & services across more than 350 metallurgical websites.

Search our list of domains by products, metals and domain extentions in the web domains search engine box on the right hand side corner above Advertisers.

International web domains

We also offer PR and international marketing services ...

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Upcoming events

Human Resources
25 September 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel
Future of Commercial Vehicles
26 September 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel
Steel Today & Tomorrow
5-6 November 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel
Energy in Turkey
4-5 December 2013, Istanbul
Marriott Asia Hotel